Gate automation and garage door automation

Gate automation – and garage door automation – used to be luxury items, installed for convenience. Today it is a basic security necessity.

In addition to that, on business premises it allows access without requiring an additional person to be physically present to open the gate or door.

Considering the number of people who are robbed, hijacked, and even shot at the entrances to their homes, farms and businesses every year, having an automated gate is a logical choice.

Not only does it eliminate the need to leave your vehicle, but it also allows you to open it just before you arrive – which minimises the time spent outside the gate. This in turn limits the window of opportunity for criminals who may wish to attack you, or gain access to your yard or premises.

Our service area:

We provide security products, installation services and risk assessments consultations in Vredenburg, Saldanha, Langebaan, Velddrif, Paternoster, the St Helena Bay area, Yzerfontein, Elands Bay and Lamberts Bay.

Contact us

Please Click Here to contact us at any time to discuss your specific need and requirements.